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Funeral Home Challenges of Unclaimed Cremains: Sandhill Charters Offers a Solution - Ash Scattering

Updated: Jul 18, 2023

Unclaimed and abandoned cremains left in storage. Sandhill Charters has a solution

Funeral homes and Crematoriums play a very important role in providing dignified final arrangements for the deceased, offering solace and closure to grieving families. However, one significant challenge faced by not just funeral homes but morgues, hospitals, county coroners and others, is the growing number of unclaimed cremains, often resulting from a lack of funds, no next of kin, or a lack of awareness. These unclaimed cremains can pose a burden on funeral homes especially, both emotionally and logistically. Thankfully, Sandhill Charters, a prominent ash scattering service provider in West Palm Beach, has emerged as a compassionate solution, addressing the difficulties surrounding unclaimed cremains.

The Challenge of Unclaimed Cremains

Unclaimed cremains, also known as unclaimed ashes or unclaimed remains, refer to the cremated remains of individuals that have not been retrieved by their families or loved ones for any number of reasons. Funeral homes and the like, often face challenges when it comes to unclaimed cremains, including storage limitations, legal and ethical obligations, and the emotional weight of holding on to unclaimed remains.

Storage Limitations: Funeral homes are responsible for providing a secure and respectful storage space for cremains until they are claimed. However, limited storage capacity can become an issue, as the accumulation of unclaimed cremains can quickly exceed available space.

Legal and Ethical Obligations: Funeral homes have a legal and ethical duty to ensure proper care and handling of cremains. They must adhere to specific regulations regarding the storage and disposal of unclaimed cremains, which can vary by jurisdiction.

Emotional Toll: Holding onto unclaimed cremains can be emotionally challenging for funeral home staff, who understand the importance of providing closure and a final resting place for the deceased. The knowledge that someone's remains are unclaimed and potentially forgotten can be distressing for the professionals entrusted with their care.

Sandhill Charters: A Compassionate Solution

Sandhill Charters releasing cremains at sea in a peaceful, respectful and dignified way in West Palm Beach

Sandhill Charters, located in West Palm Beach Florida, has taken proactive steps to address the difficulties associated with unclaimed cremains, offering a compassionate and comprehensive solution. Area funeral homes have recognized the significance of providing respectful final arrangements for all individuals, regardless of their circumstances and have chosen Sandhill Charters to scatter ashes at sea in a dignified and meaningful way.

Innovative Solutions: Sandhill Charters is committed to developing innovative solutions to address the challenges surrounding unclaimed cremains in a cost effective way, as to not add to the burden facilities have already incurred in the storage costs and emotional toll endured. While many avenues do exist to ensure a proper resting place such as very costly artificial reefs built with cremains, cemeteries with a dedicated communal resting site for unclaimed cremains or even charitable organizations that have a communal crypt, Sandhill Charters is a more preferred route to provide a peaceful scattering at sea, which many religions and cultures embrace. See more about why, HERE

Process: After being contacted to scatter unclaimed cremains, the Captain of Sandhill Charters will meet with the funeral home director or other authorized representative to better understand the current and ongoing needs to develop a tailored plan of action and pricing model to properly and respectfully scatter ashes at sea. Cremains can be picked up in person, dropped off or shipped via the USPS Cremains Kit #2.

Map showing Sandhill Charters GPS coordinates three miles offshore of West Palm Beach were cremains were scattered

Once in the possession of Sandhill Charters, cremains will be stored in a private and secure location until the scattering can take place, no more than 2 weeks later. Cremains are then transported to the vessel which will travel out into Federal Waters, 3 nautical miles off shore into the Gulf Stream to be released.

A Sandhill Charters Ash Scattering Certificate

Just as if family members are present, the Captain will honor the deceased with a passage and place them into the currents after a moment of silence. Proof of service photographs, and at request videography, are taken and the time and GPS coordinates noted. After the trip concludes the Captain will make, and email back ash scattering certificates for each individual indicating the persons name and will include the exact coordinates and time of release. In accordance with the EPA, the Captain will use EPA Reporting Tool to file the release as required. Upon receiving confirmation receipt of that report (generally 14-21 days later), the Captain will forward to the funeral home for record keeping purposes.

Final Thoughts

Unclaimed cremains present significant challenges for funeral homes, impacting storage capacities, legal obligations, and emotional well-being. However, Sandhill Charters in West Palm Beach has emerged as a compassionate solution provider, actively working to address these difficulties. In providing this needed service, Sandhill Charters aims to ensure that all individuals receive the respect and dignity they deserve, even in death. Sandhill Charters' commitment serves as a shining example to the funeral home industry, inspiring others to prioritize finding solutions to the issue of unclaimed cremains and offering closure to grieving families.

Ashes being released into the Atlantic off the coast of West Palm Beach in deep blue waters

To learn more about client or B2B ash scatterings facilitated by Sandhill Charters or to request pricing for any service, please visit or by calling (561) 316-7528. You can also send message at

Both attended and unattended services are provided on board our private, Boston Whaler vessel. Sandhill Charters is a local, family owned business serving the Palm Beaches and is licensed and insured utilizing a USCG Licensed Captain.

A Sea Scattering Authorization is required for all services.

For shipping, be sure to order your free USPS Cremains Kit#2


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